So recently (as in like last month?? gosh how time flies) I spent a week hanging out with basically ALL of
PC Uganda. We had our annual All Volunteer Conference, and it’s pretty much the
best conference/training I’ve been to yet in country. We call it All Vol for
Save people who were on vacation, and our GHSB (Global
Health ??), all volunteers in Uganda were required to attend. This meant there
were about 150 volunteers, all in the same place, from all the different
sectors – Health, Economic Development, Education, and newly formed/separated
Agriculture. I know my group, which is around 40 people. I know a good portion
of the Ed group before me, which is maybe another 20 people. And I know a few
random non-Ed volunteers, which maybe puts me up to 80-90 people, still leaving
a good portion of the volunteers unknown to me. This is especially true because
many of the volunteers I knew have just left, or COS-ed. So many of the
volunteers I didn’t know were from our newest group, sworn in for duty around
August 7th.
The conference began with an SNL Weekend Update type
opening, with a good mix of silliness and needed information. After that, we
began the best scheduling decision I’ve ever seen at one of our conferences – a
technique called Open Space.
So volunteers got up and said which sessions they were going
to facilitate, whether it was about travel in Uganda, working with Books for
Africa to get books in your schools, literacy activities, all the way to things
like yoga and American football, hairbraiding, and then back around to serious
policy discussions with Peace Corps staff. I think it worked out beautifully,
only having hitches if we had to move people around to different rooms and
such, but even that didn’t ruffle many feathers.
The conference was technically only
two days, with one day on either end relegated for travel. So we really had
about two days worth of material, but it was really cool. A lot of people took
notes on all the sessions, so that in the coming weeks that information can be
disseminated as well as uploaded on PC UG’s private wiki for everyone to
It felt like the volunteers owned
the conference, and it was a new feeling for a lot of us.
We also had Peace Corps Prom the
last night! In which many of us bought ridiculous dresses/suit coats/outfits
from our local clothes market. Some choice pictures which I stole blatantly
from others’ Facebooks.
Will continuously add pictures as I get better internet.
Will continuously add pictures as I get better internet.
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