
Mid Service

The end of January brought our Mid-Service Conference, meaning we had completed 50% of our service so far, and it had been one year since we swore in as Volunteers. The overall mood was really positive, as it was the first time since the previous year we'd all been together as our own group. It was reassuring and comfortable to see everyone, to talk, laugh, reminisce, and just enjoy each other's company.

During the first day of the conference, we were asked to share a recap of our first year at site, and I chose to do a mood graph. Literally, a graph, with mood based on journal entries from my past year. I didn't journal everyday, and I didn't put in mood numbers for days without entries, so there's a lot of gaps. But I think it's helpful to look back and see it.

I've already started another mood chart for 2015, the difference being that I rate each day at the end of it, versus going back and rating an entire year at once. One thing I've definitely noticed is that I have way more good days than bad ones, but I remember the bad ones more.

We also worked on plans for how we would use our second year, attended some sessions about grants, and actually making and updating your LinkedIn. Never too early to think about the future! I didn't take so many pictures because honestly, I was too busy chatting with everyone. It was wonderful.

Also there was one day where I looked awesome and was just standing around, and so one of my good PCV friends who always has a camera decided on impromptu photo shoot.

Overall, it was strange to think we had one year left, and that the first one had already gone so fast. Our trainers from the previous education group, and most of the previous education group had COSed (Close of Service, meaning they finished their contract). A new Health and Agribusiness (HAAG) group had come in June 2014, and a new education group had come in November 2014. In six months (three months as of now, March 2015) a new HAAG group would arrive, the 2013 group would depart, and our group would be the "seniors" on campus.

Time flies, people. And sometimes, it rides in a matatu.

P.S. Matatus = minibuses which serve as public shared taxis 

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